Saturday, February 26, 2011

fun stuff came in the mail!

I'm having a downer kind of a day.....our furnace quit working, and it sounds like we need a new one..... this one WAS new in 1998, which doesn't seem all that long ago, but I guess stuff happens! It has a cracked heat exchanger, and in this condition, we can not use it at all..... danger of carbon monoxide poisioning...... so in the meantime, we run the gas fireplace, keep the oven on, and use a small space heater...

My friend Julie sent me some fun stuff... It came in the mail today. She hand decorated the envelope.

Inside, there were these fun gift tags! She had been telling me how she had made valentines for the pre-schoolers..... they sounded so neat, and I believe she used the same technique to make these.....

It's made my day a whole lot better! Another good thing......... we are having a wine tasting at our store this afternoon. Nothing like a little wine to warm your toes! :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Quilt Top Done

I finished this quilt top today. It's for son #2. He's currently attending college in Tennessee - Recording Industry is his major.

I've had some of the fabric for awhile. I kind of had an idea, but wasn't exactly sure. Then I found this guitar fabric. I thought it would work well for a quilt for him. I apologize for the quality of the picture.... I thought it was better! I promise I'll show you a better one when it's all quilted and bound. The guitar fabric will be the backing.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

First Finish of 2011

Ok, so I know it's been awhile. Over a month, to be exact. I have one full-sized bed quilt at the quilters. I'll post pictures of it after I have it back, and have the binding on. This is a baby quilt I made for a co-worker. Her baby girl is due in less than a month. She's not into pink or girly stuff. I used a jelly roll of Freebird by Momo for Moda. Lots of bright colors..... and one of my favorite patterns, Bento Box. It measures approximately 48 inches square.