I've been working on a tee shirt quilt for a girl I know. Both she and her mom work for us at our store, and the daughter is graduating from high school this year. Her mom asked me if I would make a quilt for her. She brought me a whole bag of her shirts, and I used all but one of them.
This isn't a very good picture, but you get the idea. It is big, I think about 82" wide by 86" long. I will need to piece the back, since I don't have enough of any fabric for the whole thing. I have one piece that is close, so that will make up most of the back.
I am hoping to have it all ready to take to the quilters on Monday.
The majority of the fabric is Reunion, by Sweetwater for Moda. The golds, reds and grays were perfect for this quilt. She, like all the other kids from our town had to go to a new school this year, as our school dissolved the sharing agreement we had with the high school these kids had gone to for 3 years, and that high school no longer exists. Kind of a bummer, your senior year, having to switch schools.
Anyhow, I'll post better photos when I get it back from the quilter and have the binding on it!
That is so neat the way you got the last name in the border. It was all worth it. If I can just get the binding on that baby quilt, we can both move on to other fun stuff!