Sunday, April 1, 2012

Craft Show

So, you may have noticed that I've been absent from the blog lately. I was busy sewing every night, getting ready for a craft show.  Julie and I had a table there.  This is something we have talked about doing for a long time, and finally decided to go for it.  If you click on the link to her blog, you'll see her picture of our table.  I took my camera along, but I didn't take even one picture.  Not a single one.

 I made bags....... lots and lots of bags.  Tote bags of all sizes, and little zippered bags.  Also a couple of cute little-girl purses.  A sampling of the bags is shown above... Julie made some awesome postcards, hot pads and table runners.  We each sold about 1/3 of the items we brought.  Not bad for our first craft show.  Am I in a hurry to do it again?  No, not really.  Maybe around Christmas time, when out little town hosts another craft show, as part of our annual Christmas celebration.  Getting ready for a craft show is a lot of work, and now I'm not sure what to do with the leftovers!

I was pleasantly surprised at how well my "raggly" scarves went over.  I was scrambling to get them done at the last minute, and was not sure how well they would be received.  I sold 6 out of 9 of them.  Here's what the leftovers look like.  They are super easy to make..... I might have to post a tutorial one of these days.
And imagine my surprise when I noticed the lector in church this morning was wearing one of my creations........ :)


  1. The lector was wearing a table runner? Around her neck? wow

  2. I'd love to see a Raggly Scarf tutorial. Congrats on your sales! I did my first show last spring, and you are right - prepping is a lot of work! This year I'm doing two. That may be my limit - we'll see.
