Tuesday, April 24, 2012

This might be a long trip...

Ok, I don't know what possessed me to start a new block.  I saw a few of the "Arkansas Crossroads" blocks out in blogland and on Flickr.  I found a free pattern online, but it called for 3 1/2" strips and squares.  Well, I have a lot of 1 1/2" and 2 1/2" strips, so I looked for a pattern that offered the block in different sizes.  I found what I was looking for here

Here's my first one

I must be crazy.... I'm using the inch and a half strips and squares...I messed one up last night - got a little too crazy trimming.  This block measures 8 1/2" square.  I spent my whole morning working on this - It's my 11 to 7 day at work, and I had ambitious plans to get some cleaning, etc done, both at home and at my dad's house.  Yeah, right.  This was much more fun.....

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you worked on this, instead of boring old house cleaning!
    this is really cool. Makes me want to go try one. But I really can't. To many other urgent things.
