Saturday, September 29, 2012

Lunch Bag

I made another lunch bag using Ayumi's tutorial over at Pink Penguin.  This is the second one I've made, and I was really happy with it.  If you notice that larger flower on this side - the one with the black center..... it's actually an applique.  Let's just say I put it on to hide a little boo boo.... :) 

I used Insulbrite and quilted the outer layer of the bag.  It's lined in a purple print (trust me, no one will see the lining anyhow), and the "cover" is made of big giant polka dots that coordinate with the flower print.
My dh and I have an anniversary on Monday - October 1st.  It will be our 29th!  The plan is to go do something tomorrow.... probably out to eat. 

I start a new job on Monday.  I am excited and nervous.  I was at my last job for close to 6 years - I worked for an insurance company.  Now I'll be the city clerk of the little town I live in.  No more commuting!  Yippee!!  My last day was Thursday, I had Friday off, and Monday it's on to something new.  Wish me luck on this new venture!
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  1. Beautiful little bag :) congratulations on your wedding anniversary tomorrow and good luck with the new job. All good things happening in your world :)

  2. happy anniversary
    happy new job
    happy lower gas bill
    maybe even...
    happy more time to sew!

    The bag is adorable.

  3. Lots of excitement your way. Happy Anniversary and good luck on your new job venture! Your lunch bag looks cute!

  4. Love your new curtain, and this lunch bag is soo cute! I would've never noticed the flower if you hadn't mentioned it. :) Happy Anniversary and congrats on the new job. Good luck with it. xo
