Monday, February 25, 2013

Easy Bricks Quilt

I finished another quilt!  I got it back from the quilter a week ago today.  I worked on the binding in the evenings last week - I decided to hand sew the binding on the back, so it took a little longer than if I had just done it all by machine.  Anyhow, it is finished..... and washed and dried, and crinkly.  I used a layer cake of Good Fortune, by Kate Spain.
 I got brave and trudged through the snow to hang this on the clothes line.
I took this picture yesterday, in the house.......with dh holding the quilt up for me.
 I was not real pleased with how this one turned out, and decided to try outside.  

Here is the back...... nothing special here.... taken outside as well.
Not real true to color here......... it's a very deep purple with a rose print.  
I found the tutorial here.  Rather than use just the darks from 2 layer cakes, I used 1 entire layer cake, and cut the white fabric I had on hand into 5" squares.  Super easy, and I was happy with the way it turned out.

I have also been working on a vintage- inspired quilt... using some recycled fabric.
Here's some of what I have going so far......

Here's part of the apron I got at thrift store.... I did use a lot of it in these quilt blocks......
It definitely had some fun old fabrics in it.....

And while I'm on a roll here with pictures, I might as well post one more.
We were victims of a crime over the weekend...... we live in a wonderful, small town, and have owned the grocery store here for close to 20 years.  This is the first time anything like this has happened to us... and hopefully it is the last....

All this for a few cartons of cigarettes.  What is wrong with people??


  1. It was well worth the stomping through the snow. The color really pops in the outdoor photo. I really love this quilt. I had DH holding a quilt today too!
    I can't wait to see the vintage one.
    What a mess at the store.

  2. Another awesome quilt, also like the baby quilt posted earlier . Sorry to hear about the store break in.

  3. I like your easy bricks quilt :) Pretty snow setting. Beautiful fabric collection.
    My parents had a store for 28 years. It was broken into 7 or 8 times. We stopped calling the police because it never did any good.

  4. I like your version of the bricks quilt better than the one in the pattern.

    I think it is the thrill of doing a break-in and not getting caught is just important as what they take for the thieves. They have a twisted sense of values.

  5. Sorry about the break in ... how very dare they!
    I love your bricks quilt too, it's really pretty and what a difference in colour between the indoors and outside photos. I love to hand sew the back of my binding on ... so much so I'll be finishing a little lapquilt in the car on Friday ... DH will be driving - obviously :D
