Friday, March 29, 2013

Spring Placemat

Several years ago, my friend Julie and I started some weaving.  Her husband, Tractor Joe, made us each a loom.  She had the rug-sized loom, and I had the placemat size. (Hmmmmm...... spell check does not like the word placemat.  It is giving me several other options.  Some of course are obvious, like place mat, or place-mat.  The one that made me laugh out loud was "placenta".  I think I'll stick with placemat! )
I found my loom the other day, buried deep in the closet.

Julie's is long gone, a casualty of a flood in their basement a few years ago.  I couldn't remember how to warp the loom - I remembered that it wasn't very difficult, but just couldn't remember how. I know I have a book from Country Threads - I think it's called "Rags to Rugs".  Anyhow, it's around here somewhere, but I have no clue where to find it.  Instead, I found a video on You Tube.  The directions were great, and it is very easy to do!
Here is picture of my work in progress...

I have a lot of old sheets....... I have been intending to make a "vintage sheet" quilt one of these days.  A lot of them are so worn....... especially in the centers.  I tore the sheet into strips that were about an inch and a half wide.  
The yellow fabric is a cotton/polyester blend.  I know from past experience that it's not something I want to use in a quilt.  So, that was used in the weaving as well. 

Here is the finished placemat:
The yellow is looking just a little too bright here......
This might be more like it...
My plan is to make 2 more, and then join them together to make a rug for my bathroom...
This really is a great way to use up fabric that really isn't suited for quilting. 
I'm linking up to Amanda Jean's Finish It Up Friday.....

Oh, and Happy Easter!!


  1. Very nice - how talented are you?!

  2. The book wasn't part of the flood was it? That thought just occurred to me. Love the yellow in there. Nice project you got going there!
