Monday, June 10, 2013

And One More.....

Bag that is.......
I've been in a bag making mood.  I have other projects (quilts) to finish - they just need binding, but I have been making bags.  When Julie saw this bag, she asked how much time I needed to make another one.  You see, she is leaving on vacation at the end of the week, and I had already been thinking that I should make her a bag for the trip.  
On our last trip to the thrift store, I bought this skirt.
I never intended to wear the skirt (even though it was really pretty) - I just really liked the fabric, and thought I might use it in a quilt.  I pulled fabric from my stash that I thought looked nice with it, and cut a few pieces out of the skirt, too.
And here is the finished bag...
Not to sound like a broken record (see last post), but the pattern can be found here.  I added an exterior pocket to this side, and left the other side without.
The panels were assembled using a "quilt as you go" method.  It is time consuming, but a great way to use up scraps.
I also added 2 interior pockets - one with a zipper, and one without.  I had this fat quarter, and  I was wondering what I would ever use it in!  :)

Julie was pretty excited with the it's time to work on binding!


  1. Thank you so much for this bag. It is much fancier than the fabric grocery bags I usually use for packing!
    The colors and pockets are perfect. I wonder if I should try to duplicate one of the nice ladies on the pocket when I am at the beach??

  2. This is a very nice bag. The skirt fabric is beautiful.

  3. Oh it is just perfect! Loving the colours and fabrics!!!
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo com
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com
