Made from recycled shirts.
The fabric for the quilt was purchased in 2001, when my great-niece, who is holding the quilt was born. I ended up finishing it for her baby sister, Helen. Helen is not in the picture, she was about a month old when I finished the quilt. These are 2 of her 3 older sisters.
Anyhow, my mom passed away in June of that year. I guess you could say that quilting helped me through some difficult days. Later that summer, I made these 3 quilts, for Helen's older sisters.
Probably not some of my best work, but they were made with love, and I used up a lot of fabric scraps that I had been collecting over the years!
I made my first Disappearing 9 patch for my daughter-in-law that Christmas.
Then I made 3 baby quilts. Lots of relatives and women I worked with were having babies...
And that's where I'll end for today. Part 2 will be coming later this week!
I loved seeing these. NOT boring. Are you going back to that spurt in the 90's too??