Tuesday, May 20, 2014

2 finished baby quilts

I have been working on stuff, just not posting about it here.
I need to get better at that!  Anyhow, I finished 2 baby quilts over the weekend.  The first one is the chevron (zig zag?) quilt I talked about in my last post. 
Here it is:

It's made out of leftovers from fat quarters.  I bought the entire set of Max and Whiskers by Moda.  I think this was the 4th quilt I made from them.  When I was done with this quilt, I cut the remaining scraps into 2" squares.  I will have that quilt completed soon.
I call this the "Charlie Brown" quilt.  The black and yellow zig zag reminds me of Charlie Brown's shirt.
I also quilted a disappearing 4-patch top that I made quite awhile ago...

It's hard to tell in this picture, but the red fabric has white flowers.  Because of the flowers, I am thinking this  will be for a baby girl.
No piecing on either back..... just one piece of fabric
I quilted them with straight lines.  On the first quilt, I followed the zig zag pattern.  I did not use a walking foot, and they turned out much better than when I use a walking foot.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Several finishes to share

Wow, it's been a few weeks since I've been here.  The month of April went by in a whirlwind.  Here are the projects I finished:
One baby-sized quilt top.  I used up most of what I had left of a fat quarter bundle.  I made 2 other quilts with these fabrics here.  I also used some in another baby quilt, shown here.  Scroll down on the page to see the quilt I'm referring to.
Anyhow, this quilt top required some really creative piecing, as I was running out of several colors of the fabric.  What I had left, I cut into 2 inch squares, and they will be used in an Irish Chain quilt.
All of my 9 patches have been pieced, now to get it all put together. 
I also made one cross-body bag - has zipper at the top.  Excuse the poor picture, it's terribly windy outside!  This is made from an old calendar dishtowel, vintage 1968, as you can see below:

I used the calendar on the other side of the bag.  I'll try to get a picture of it when the weather is better!
Here's another one of the front that I took inside:
I also made another bag, out of this cute vintage towel...
this one is my favorite:


I took part in Block Lotto again in April.  Here are the blocks I made:
Unfortunately, I didn't win them!  But my blocks are on the way to their new owners.  I will be hand delivering three of them to Julie, all the way across town.  Maybe 1 mile on a good day.  :) Yes, she was lucky enough to win.  I, on the other hand, have yet to win.  I just joined in January, so I guess I need to give it a few months.

I also made two more of the "Wine 'n Dine" bags.
So, even though I haven't been blogging about what my stuff, I have been busy!
Linking up to "Finish It Up Friday".