Wednesday, October 29, 2014

October has been a busy month

October has really been a busy month.  I don't know where the time has gone!  Hubby and I celebrated our 31st anniversary on the 1st.  I don't have a good picture of us now.  In fact, I don't even have a bad picture of us now.  But here is our engagement picture......
The funny thing about this picture is, John's glasses have no glass in them.  They were the light sensitive lenses, and the photographer didn't want them to turn dark for the picture.  So he took out a little screwdriver and popped out the lenses...
We also celebrated son #1's 30th birthday...
Don't mention that you saw him here...... I don't think he would appreciate it!  :)
I also took went on a girls' weekend with Julie, one of her sisters, and her cousin.  We went to Madison county, to see the bridges...

We saw all 6 of them.  I won't show them all........ I am wondering if pictures number 1 and 2 are of the same bridge.  I don't think so.....
I also managed to get 3 quilts done -
this one was hard to get a picture of... sunny, shadowy day.  It's a scrappy pink chevron quilt....
Here it is in the shade.
I also made a little rag quilt -
I haven't made one of these in a long time.  I always love how they turn out.
And I finished up a wedding gift over the weekend -
Another Cloud 9 Quilt.  I used some 2 1/2 inch strips of solids for the binding, as I only had small scraps left.  I really like how this one turned out.
Oh, and we were babysitting our "Grand Dogs" for a long weekend.  We took them home yesterday.  Here is Lucy, anxious to get home.  She rode almost the entire way looking out the front window.
Oh, and did you know that LeMars, Iowa is the Ice Cream Capital of the World?
I had to go to a meeting there last week, for work.  We made sure to stop at the Blue Bunny Ice cream shop...... yummy!


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Wedding quilt for a first anniversary

If you read my blog regularly, you may remember that my youngest son got married last October.  You can read about it here.  At their wedding, the guests had an opportunity to sign a quilt block.  I finally got the quilt all put together this summer.  I just got it back from the quilter a couple of weeks ago.  I finally finished the binding on Sunday.
Here is a nice sideways picture that I took on the clothesline today.  It is a big quilt, and it's hard to get a picture of it.  We didn't get as may guests to sign a block as I'd hoped.  But that's okay, the blank ones look good, too.

I found the tutorial online, here.  It went together quickly (don't know what my excuse is for having it take so long to compete!)I love the way it turned out.
Here is a sweet message from my sister-in-law.
And another message..
I used a leftover quilt block to make the label.  And I promise to get a picture of the happy couple with their quilt!