Saturday, February 5, 2022

Pouches from candy bags

 I attempted to make a zipper pouch today, using the Missouri Star Quilt Company tutorial.  You can find that here.  All went well until it was time to turn the pouch right side out.  Then there were major issues:

This tutorial has you quilt your wrapper to batting and lining fabric.  I set my stitch length pretty high, but the shiny vinyl didn't want to feed through my sewing machine very well.  It resulted in a very short stitch length (despite being set at 3.5 on my Baby Lock).  When I attempted to turn the pouch right side out, it tore along several of the quilting stitches.  The stitches were close together, and acted as a perforation.  So, after much frustration, I found a different tutorial, one that didn't include quilting the front and back of the bag.  See this tutorial here.  

This is what I ended up making:

What will I do different next time?  I will not use a clear candy bag!  I purposely put the lining in with the front side inside out, so the cute fabric would show through.  There are other things that I don't like showing through the clear vinyl, like seams, etc.  It's a great tutorial though, and I will definitely use it again.  I do have one more bag of the Kit Kats, but it hasn't been opened yet........ I might have to open it soon and try again!


  1. Super cute!!! I have heard of this but never tried it!

  2. Thanks for the in-depth knowledge and insightful posts

  3. Thank you for the interesting and thought-provoking perspectives presented in your blog posts.
