Saturday, June 29, 2013

Finish it up Friday, on Saturday morning!

I have two finishes to share today...... one is a quilt top that I got done earlier in the week....
I don't have a good picture of it..... just took this with my phone before I took it to be quilted.

I also recently finished some mug rugs..
Of course I waited until the last minute to start them, so I was looking to make something quick and easy.

Linking up to Crazy Mom Quilts Finish It up Friday and also to 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Quilts made pre-blog

I made quilts before I started the blog.  I'm sure most of you did.  And I decided tonight that this might be the time to share some of them with you.  I won't post all of them tonight...... I'll spread it out over a few days!  Hoping not to bore anyone here....I started quilting with a vengeance in 2009.  My mom was sick - she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in March.  I took as much time off from work as was possible, and spent a lot of time at my parents' house.  My mom slept a lot, and while she slept, I got out her old sewing machine and worked on a couple of quilts.  I had made quilts back in the 80's and 90's, and I will share some of them at another time.  Anyhow, I made these two quilt tops on my mom's old JC Penney Sewing machine....
Made from recycled shirts.

The fabric for the quilt was purchased in 2001, when my great-niece, who is holding the quilt was born.  I ended up finishing it for her baby sister, Helen.  Helen is not in the picture, she was about a month old when I finished the quilt.  These are 2 of her 3 older sisters.

Anyhow, my mom passed away in June of that year.  I guess you could say that quilting helped me through some difficult days.  Later that summer, I made these 3 quilts, for Helen's older sisters.

Probably not some of my best work, but they were made with love, and I used up a lot of fabric scraps that I had been collecting over the years!
I made my first Disappearing 9 patch for my daughter-in-law that Christmas.  

Then I made 3 baby quilts.  Lots of relatives and women I worked with were having babies...

And that's where I'll end for today.  Part 2 will be coming later this week!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Checking "Scrap Vomit" off my list of finished quilts

I finished up my Scrap Vomit quilt last Saturday.  I first blogged about it back here.  

I found the tutorial here.  It really was very easy, just a little time consuming.  

This is a wedding gift - for my daughter-in-law's sister.  Both she and her fiance' have been drummers for a number of years..... thankfully I found some drum fabric to include - see it on the back below.  Believe me, fabric with drums on it is hard to find!  :)  Thankfully Julie over at Joe Tulips had some - it was just a fat quarter, and it was a freebie from a Shop Hop last year.  

Friday, June 14, 2013

Beer quilt is done!

A couple of months ago, I posted a picture of my beer and music quilt top.  You can see it here.  I have had it back from the quilters for quite some time...... I finally got the binding done earlier this week.  
Here is the finished quilt......

It is for my oldest son.  I will take it along on Sunday - we are meeting him and my dear daughter-in-law up in Minneapolis, and we will go a Minnesota Twins baseball game.

I imagine our view will be something like this...  :)

Monday, June 10, 2013

And One More.....

Bag that is.......
I've been in a bag making mood.  I have other projects (quilts) to finish - they just need binding, but I have been making bags.  When Julie saw this bag, she asked how much time I needed to make another one.  You see, she is leaving on vacation at the end of the week, and I had already been thinking that I should make her a bag for the trip.  
On our last trip to the thrift store, I bought this skirt.
I never intended to wear the skirt (even though it was really pretty) - I just really liked the fabric, and thought I might use it in a quilt.  I pulled fabric from my stash that I thought looked nice with it, and cut a few pieces out of the skirt, too.
And here is the finished bag...
Not to sound like a broken record (see last post), but the pattern can be found here.  I added an exterior pocket to this side, and left the other side without.
The panels were assembled using a "quilt as you go" method.  It is time consuming, but a great way to use up scraps.
I also added 2 interior pockets - one with a zipper, and one without.  I had this fat quarter, and  I was wondering what I would ever use it in!  :)

Julie was pretty excited with the it's time to work on binding!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

I made another bag.....

I finally finished a project...... it has been awhile!  I used scraps, and made a bag...

The pattern I used is from Gingercake, and can be purchased here.  I made my panels following the tutorial found here.  It does take a little time, but it is easy sewing, and a good way to use up scraps!
I added a shoulder strap to mine - maybe you can see that a little better in the picture below.

This is a really nice, roomy overnight bag.  I stuffed it for the picture, because it looks better that way.  Anyhow, I just stuffed it with fabric and batting that I had laying around.  When I emptied it out, it filled a whole laundry basket.  
The instructions were easy to follow, too.  And it is lined - which is good.  I have made enough bags and definitely prefer them to be lined!
Hoping to have another finish by the end of the week.  Be sure to check back!  :)